Infectious Disease Prevention

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Safe Practice guidelines are in place at Kincora Therapy and helps keep us all safe as possible. Orla Foley is certified in Occupational Health and Safety.
COVID-19 is a novel Coronavirus that was identified in the Wuhan province of China late in 2019 and developed into a pandemic. In Ireland since March 13th there have been Herculean efforts on behalf of our government and the frontline agencies to manage this pandemic and limit its spread. Now we are moving forward to reopen our economy and return to work. This means stepping forward and sometimes stepping backwards, when needed and appropriate. As a CORU registered Physiotherapist, Orla Foley is considered an essential medical service.
From July 2020, according to government guidelines regarding treatment of non COVID-19 patients I reopened as an essential medical service. For the safety of my clients and myself there will be changes to how this works out, I want to outline the changes here.